
Charity of the Month for December

In the holiday season, always important to remember those less fortunate.


are so lucky in Washtenaw County to have such a place as Food Gathers. This
organization gathers food from area stores and restaurants to give to those in
need. Food that may have been wasted if it were not for Food Gathers picking it
up and redistributing it. I worked with FG through another non-profit
organization for years, where I learned the work that they and their volunteers
do is just amazing. If you have the chance to go to 1 Carrot Lane, you should
take your family and ask them how you can help. You will never forget your

We’ve Got The Perfect Gift!

GIFT CERTIFICATES from Z.E.N. Photography Lifestyles can be a great way for one or more people to contribute to a special gift for family and friends.  
To purchase, email 
HOLIDAY SPECIAL PRICE Gift certificates purchased by December 16th can be used to save $100 on either of the following Z.E.N. packages.
1. A spring time photo shoot with photo book Sale price: $250
2. A family heritage book  Sale price: $450
Also on sale, personalized 2013 photo Calendars – with photos on the cover, at the top of each month and up to 12 special days chosen for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Sale price: $40

Gift certificates can be purchased for the calendar.  Please note that all calendars will be made in January 2013 with your photos from 2012 or if you would like to add a photo shoot to this package Sale price: $250 inclusive (photo shoot with calendar).



Bring out the old boxes of photos, you know the ones of you as a child and the other boxes that hold your parents old black and whites! Your intentions have been good to put those in order and into a more organized album, but there never seems to be enough time to do it.

Z.E.N. Photography will take care of this big project for you!

We create 3 types of beautiful Family Heritage Books.

1. With photos only

2. Each photo captioned with names

3. Tell your family story. Photos with added journaling about your family.

We believe in taking the time to capture your family stories and trasform these “old photos in a box” into a bound hard covered book that you can share and pass down to other family members for years to come.

How do we do this?

1. You gather all those old photos

2. Put them into a timeline order, as much as possible

3. If you know who the people are in each photo, write the names down on a post-it
and stick it onto
    the back of the photo

4. We will meet and talk about the type of book that you invision for your
Family Heritage Book.

5. We create and deliver a fabulous book that you will love to share as gifts, for
each family member
     to hand down for generations.

Admired Artist for December 2012


Helen is an amazing artist from Ann Arbor. I have
known Helen since she was in the 6th grade. Her love of drawing has taken her
across the state, from east to west, north to south in our nation and around the
world! If she is not on the road or flying somewhere, you can find Helen at
numerous events including the Ann Arbor Art Fair every July or at her studio in
Ann Arbor. Her technique is as unique as she is. I have admired her since she
was that young middle schooler, but her work makes me smile and feel proud to
say that I know her. Check out Helen’s work, you may find something that will
be perfect for your home!

Miss You, Dad

In August of 2009 I took this photograph of my dad leaning against the gate
of his garden. He worked so hard throughout his whole life, and his garden was
something that he was always proud of, something that you had to take a walk
through every time you came to visit. If it was harvest season, you could be
sure to take home lots of fresh vegetables.

It turned out that this would
be the last photograph that I could ever take of my dad. In November of that
year he fell, while cleaning his chimney and died of severe injuries. This
photo means so much to me because it’s how I remember my dad throughout his
life. I’m so glad I happened to capture him in his ZEN

Happy Holidays!

THANKSGIVING 2012 – St. Joseph, MI.

Twenty three family members and
friends-like-family came together at my in-laws’ lake house to celebrate
Thanksgiving 2012. Many of us meeting for the first time, we enjoyed getting to
know one another, spent time walking the beach and eating lots and lots of
turkey! Lots of fun was had by all!

Admired Artist for November 2012

Andrew and Alicia run One
Heron Pond Studio from their property in Deming, Washington on Mount Baker
Highway. Currently, Andrew makes his pottery for sale at Good Earth Pottery in
Fairhaven Washington, the Bellingham Farmer’s Market, and other galleries and
craft shows in the region. He also teaches classes for both interested beginners
and experienced potters. His wife Alicia, a photographer, is also a part of One
Huron Pond Studio is busy creating beaded jewelry, which you can also find on
their site.

No worries if you do not
live close to Seattle, these artists will take your requests, hand make your
desires and send it to you with lots of love!

Charity of the month for November

A timely charity for emergency disaster relief for the superstorm Sandy victims
they are doing today:
Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with medical
professionals to rapidly deploy emergency response teams into crisis
To donate go to: