The Rainbow Bridge

When the sun rises, we have no idea what’s in store for us that day. It could be a typical get your son out of bed and to school (hopefully) on time kind of day, or it could be a day that’s filled with fun and adventure. Or it could be one of those days that you just want to stay in bed. Recently I had a couple of the latter days happen. We unexpectedly lost one of our dear pets, then 3 weeks later, we lost another one. Both our dog and our older cat were found to have cancer. Our cat, Tabitha, was 15 and losing lots of weight over a couple of months. She gave us a few weeks to realize we had to let her go, as everthing the vets tried to do to help her was not helping her. But our equally beloved dog Blu – we had no idea he was ill and within a matter of hours one night, we had to say goodbye.>
For those of us who truly love our furry family members, you will understand why I found myself pulling the covers over my head and just hoping I had had a bad dream. Letting my hand out from under the covers and laying it beside the bed, hoping to feel that wet nose touch it one more time. I am still devastated by this loss and now having had to say goodbye to our cat, I feel like I’m crumbling inside. I know it will take time, but my heart misses them both so much.
A couple of weeks ago I began writing about Blu. For pet lovers, I share this with you, as you will understand.

Once up, you would dash down the stairs. I would hear thud, thud, thud, your legs inevitably missing one or two of the steps as you anticipated the outside door opening and your first smell of the fresh morning air hitting your face. Okay, you just needed to go to the potty, but I could tell you loved the ritual too. Then of course, you would come bounding back inside to find your food dish with heart meds waiting for you to devour.
I don’t know, maybe hoping that some of the cat food will finally today be yours, or maybe it’s just how we danced. Your large body always lying in the doorway between the kitchen and dining room, many times I would trip while trying not to step on you. You lay there, trusting that I would not.
When I would finally head out the door to take Zach to school, your eyes would look so wantingly to hear the words “Do you wanna come”? I would usually wait until the afternoon to take you when it wasn’t so cold outside, but you never stopped giving me that look. I would tell you I’ll return soon and you would give me a “woof” as I locked the door behind me.
I’ll never forget the day you came home with us. You jumped into our car as if to say, “Let’s go on this new adventure!” You looked back at your old family with a sad look, then you began a new life with us. Being adopted, I felt we are kindred spirits, but your story was much different than mine. You were 5 years old when we brought you home, the same age as our son Zach. You flawlessly slipped into your role as “our” dog.
You instantly became a part of our family with so much love and enthusiasm!

You came with many toys; balls, bones, leashes and such, but
your favorite was the bad cuz ball. We had never heard of this, but the devilish (blue, red, green or orange) ball (a ball with feet and little horns) was your favorite. You wouldn’t even pick up another kind of ball – silly boy! So whenever you would lose a ball in the woods, we knew that we had to replace it with a bad or good cuz ball. Otherwise it was a waste of our money. I remember one time you played fetch in the rain for 4 hours when we had workers at my dad’s house. They would throw the ball every time they went by you and you just kept bringing it back to whomever would throw it again! You were so tired that night, but loved every minute of that day.
You were so smart Blu. You didn’t respond to the word “speak” when you came to us, almost like you wanted to resist it, so I taught you the word “woof” and you began to let out a little woof here and there – and if I kept asking, it will become a big WOOF! Within this last year you started to howl, which always made me howl! It was so funny to hear you do this, but it was almost like you were embarrassed to let it out and if I dared laugh, you look so sad, that I had to hold in my laughter even more! Oh, I love you Bluie!
You always loved going for a walk and all it would take was grabbing the leash and you are bouncing around the house! You were usually so good about staying with me in the yard, but there were a few unscheduled trips through the woods, down to the river and somehow you always come out the other side in the parking lot of the Denny’s restaurant! It was so frustrating, because I would always worry that you would be picked up by someone and taken home with them. The best thing I ever bought was your dog tag with my phone number on it. Thanks to the many wonderful people who used that number to let me know that they found you. I’ll never forget the time I got a call at 3a.m. when I was in Hawaii, when you decided to go on an adventure just before your doggie caretaker was to leave for her work! Thankfully we all connected and you were found, again at Denny’s!
The secret to keeping your attention – treats! You LOVED your treats! Sit, laydown, stay, woof, shake, give me a
kiss…you would do anything for a treat!
floor next to the pillow). You seemed to have this respect for them, even when they would whack at your tail whenever you would walk by. You were such a good boy.
“Do you wanna go for a ride?” or just picking up your leash would get you sooooo excited! The way you would hop into the back seat of the van and look out the back window at the cars. It was so sweet and I know you made a lot of people smile when they saw you. Woof, woof! You would say to anyone passing by the car.

bodies; new buddies with hundreds of adventures to come. You will always be in our hearts dear Blu. And now that you are joined by our dear beloved cat Tabitha, we picture you both playing at the rainbow bridge, with plenty of treats, cuz balls and sofas with sunshine to lay on!