Three Weeks In Chicago

Chicago in January? I know, what was I thinking when I said yes to this? Because of medical issues, I accepted a plea to help family while their anchor person, my brother-in-law was going to be on the east cost for three weeks. I adore my little preK niece and my sister-in-law, so as soon as I knew my guys would be able to fend for themselves for this long, I headed for Hyde Park.
The temps were pretty cold when I first arrived, but now the snow has melted and we walk to the store with less layers, but the snow angels are a little muddy.
I’ve had a wonderful time with the girls. We’ve tried many recipies in their GF (gluten free) cookbook, including granola…that was yummy! I have to admit that my GF cake was the biggest photo fail ever! Although we’ve found calling it a chocolaty dessert has brought it into a whole new light! I’ve enjoyed the kitty photo shoots and bring on the sparkle glue whenever we have a piece of paper out! I’ve loved doing all the girl stuff with my niece.
Tomorrow is my last day here in the windy city, but it feels like I just got here yesterday. It’s been wonderful, talking with a writer every day, listening to her thought process. I think it’s helped me somewhat to clear my head for writing, photography and editing.. I miss my guys, and kitties, but I was thinking today, if I find that the Christmas tree is still up, dishes have not been done for 3 weeks and the kitty litter hasn’t been changed, I’m coming back here a.s.a.p.! 🙂